Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flowers Down the Road

I haven't posted any flower photos lately, so here are a few I took this past week.

They are from the garden of Kathy Down The Road, my friend and neighbour (never thought I'd string those two words together) and the place where my daughter works. Kathy invited me to breakfast - eggs (the kind with the lovely orange yolky yolks) and potatoes and thick slices of white bread with cherry jam. Even KDTR's coffee is outstanding because her machine grinds the beans and makes the espresso all in one go.

After breakfast we finished our coffee out on the double-chair swing while my daughter weeded and watered plants, and KDTR and I traded stories and laughed and cried a little. Dave, her sweet gentle giant of a husband who is generous to a fault and as kind as they come, is still getting his strength back, so he napped. At least I hope he napped. We were laughing pretty long and loud out there.

Enjoy the photos. And remember, if you haven't entered already, make sure you add your name in the comments section from THIS POST to have a chance to win a $60 gift certificate.

I could happily roll up into a ball and live in the soil, tucked under the leaves where these flowers grow. As long as KDTR invited me in for the occasional breakfast, I'd be just fine.


Lottery Girl said...

Oh my! How I love flower photos--especially the peonies, which are also in bloom here.

nightsmusic said...

Hi! Remember me? I used to comment often. When I still had a life of my own... *sigh*

Beautiful flowers. But...where are yours?

A Novel Woman said...

LG, my friend also has tulips that look like peonies. Gorgeous little blooms which I missed this year.

NM, of COURSE I remember you.(g) I haven't posted as regularly either.

My flowers? The only things I grow well are weeds. You don't want photos of those.

nightsmusic said...

You know what they say though, one person's weeds are another's flowers. I remember my dad swearing up a storm every spring when the Queen Anne's Lace would come up at the edge of the property. He spent weeks trying to get rid of it, complaining it was a weed. Low and behold, I can now buy it at Lowe's as a perennial. Who'd have thought?

A Novel Woman said...

I love Queen Anne's Lace! I have something I planted in the front yard (gout weed??) that Kathy hates, but it spread nicely, it requires little maintenance, it has beautiful flowers and variegated leaves...what more could one ask for? Although I have heard it called "a garden thug" which made me laugh.

nightsmusic said...

I've had a few "garden thugs" in my time. I learned how to contain most of them, but those are the type that can take over everything if you aren't diligent with them.

Now, I have Lady Slippers, Jack in the Pulpit, May Apples and Trillium all over the place. They're protected here. Makes for cutting along the back property interesting...

A Novel Woman said...

But I WANT them to take over everything so I don't have to DO anything.

Your garden sounds wonderful. Jack in the Pulpits grow at my cottage, but only the odd one hear and there.

nightsmusic said...

Some of those 'thugs' though will kill off everything. Kind of like the Kudzu down south.

I wish I could send you some of the Jack in the Pulpits. Every year, the DH cuts most of it down and every year, I get even more coming up. He figures though since they're on our property, it doesn't matter that the state says they'll fine you if they find out you're cutting them. I figure they're winning the battle in the long run so...

A Novel Woman said...

I wish you could send me some too. But mostly I wish I didn't make typos like 'hear" instead of 'here'.(sigh)

Julie said...

Did you know Queen Anne's Lace can be used as a morning after pill?

Anonymous said...

Andrea! I am a stalker here on your blog, and may I say, I love well as my BFF KDTR