Pioneer Woman is having another photo contest on her blog. This time, the subject is landscapes. I don't take landscape shots very often and when I do, they tend to be of the lake where we cottage. I prefer up close and personal shots more often than not, so I had to dig deep to find something other than birds and flowers.
Here are an even dozen. Minus two. (I have a few others, but they've appeared here in the past so I don't want to put them up again.)
Which are your top three? Or two? Or one? If the answer is none of the above, well I have nothing else for you because snow is forecast overnight and it's going to bury the tulips alive. Not to mention all hopes of me picking up my new car.
1. Lake Louisa Early Fall

2. Lake Louisa Late Fall

3. Montreal At Night

4. New Brunswick Pond

5. Waterfowl Park - Path through the Reeds

6. Waterfowl Park

7. Cornfield

8. Sunset - outside Lachute Walmart

9. Surf's Up

10. Oahu
1, 7 or 10. It's tough because they're all pretty!! I was going through my pictures to see if I could find something... I haven't come up with anything yet! Good luck!!! :)
Seven, 9 or 10, please! Those are awesome!
1, 3 and 6 are my favorites. Not just pretty, but interesting. I love the duck and the walkway. 1 is just plain stunning! And 3, the sky coloring and the reflections make the city at night scene just "more."
My 2 cents. :o)
All of your landscape pictures are pretty. My number 1 favorite is #3 Montreal at Night.
I'm always so intrigued by what people choose!
Thanks so much.
Never underestimate the power of a cornfield landscape on a good prairie woman...just thinking Pioneer Woman might appreciate :)
Good point, Miss Julie! This is on the way to my cottage, and when Brenda and I saw it, we slammed on the brakes and grabbed our cameras. By the time we made it to the cottage 20 minutes later, the clouds had already rolled in.
Like the Boy Scouts are wont to say, I like to "be prepared." They also pledge to "to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."
Well, one out of four ain't bad.
1, 3 and 7. Or 3, 1 and 7. Not sure of the order... I love the reflection shots!
Oooooooh - number one is gorgeous!
Love the Lachute sunset! I can attest that that's exactly what it looks like :-)
7. Cornfield for me.
Deniz, you know where Lachute is? No one knows where Lachute is!
Well normally I might not :-) Our friends live up at Lost River and we usually drive through St Sauveur and Morin Heights to get there. But another friend took us to his aunt's cabin near Lost River once and took the other way up, on the Lachute highway (and we stopped at the Walmart to get beer :-))
Two, three and four for me. I love the bright coldness of this shot. And the lake landscape when the trees are bare...gorgeous. As for the other two, you can't beat city lights at night and that New Brunswick marsh looks so peaceful and full of budding nature. You have a great eye - keep it up!
4, 7 and 10. For sure.
I LOVE the cornfield one! I was there with you with the same camera and lens AND polarizing filter and you got that GREAT shot - and I got a rock.
p.s. we need to use the polarizing filters more often for landscapes - just LOOK at the moodiness of the clouds!!
Go for it!
Brenda, I loved that filter too, especially after I dropped it and retrieved it from the trunk. Gah.
4, 6, 7
I like the ones that are about your eye, your life. Anyone could have taken that Oahu shot (which is gorgeous), but only you were there to get the cornfield..............
Ah, INO, thanks for that. I didn't even realize that made a difference.
Oh gosh - I missed this post! I missed a lot while my internet connect impersonated a snail. Sorry - which one/s did you go with? I loved them all - 6,7,10 if I had to choose.
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