Thursday, February 25, 2010

Best Commercial I've Seen in Years

It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud, especially commercials. (Usually the clever ones originate in Australia or the U.K.)

When I worked at my old ad agency, back before the internet, the whole agency would hie itself to a local theatre once a year to watch the world's best commercials. Ah, good times. Now we just go to YouTube.

My niece in Colorado sent me this tongue-in-cheek gem and I've since seen it during American Idol. The last line was so deliciously random I got the full on snort-giggles.

Bon weekend!


nightsmusic said...

"And I'm riding a horse. Backward."


I agree, it's so stupid, it's funny.

A Novel Woman said...

Also, "tickets to that THING you love" cracked me up.

nightsmusic said...

LOL! I know. Of course, the DH didn't get it at all...


Jayne said...

Hubby just watched it for the 2nd time and giggled with me but he's refusing to buy a horse!

nightsmusic said...

OMG, Jayne!!! ROFL!!!

You made my day :oD

A Novel Woman said...

Jayne, maybe he could just use Old Spice and it would be exactly like having a white horse?