Monday, February 1, 2010

Pringle of Scotland

A brilliantly funny animated short by David Shrigley and narrated with understated elegance by Glaswegian Bridget McCann, this little gem celebrates the 195 year history of the Pringle of Scotland company. It was created for Milan Fashion Week and shows some of the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into making Pringle jumpers and cardigans.

Does anyone else own a Pringle jumper besides me?

Beverage alert. The dancing goat killed me, and the ending sent me into hysterics.


Debby said...

Well, I'll be. I thought Pringles were chips. Funny stuff. Esp. the part about little old ladies knitting so fast that their little hands would catch fire and they would die. A word to the wise, knitting lady...don't get carried away with your knitting.

A Novel Woman said...

I can't catch on fire. I have a frozen shoulder.

nightsmusic said...

Everything about this is hysterical, from the anatomically correct dancing goat to the popping bugs to the skinny models and the socks! Too funny!!

I needed this today.

Marilyn said...

I think I used to have Pringle cardigans when I was a child in England. Along with woolen trousers, in tartan, and a kilt. We were NOT Scottish!!! Just well dressed?!

Lottery Girl said...

I love this! I'd love to own such a sweater, but alas, I do not. By the time these things make their way to us, they're terribly expensive.

I have a bumper sticker sitting on a shelf in my office that makes me smile every time I see it: "If it's nae Scottish it's crap!" (Can't put it on the car as it would probably start a fight.)

Diane T. said...

Clearly I should have heard of this company. Where have I been? It's sold at Bergdorf Goodman! (LOL)

A Novel Woman said...

LG, I love that bumper sticker!

Brenda said...

I REALLY want to support a company that produces adverts like this!!
I loved the part about the skinny models and how, personally, she'd like to a see a normal-shaped lassie modelling, with a big bottom and a nice pair of hooters. And Gerald... I fell of my chair.
Thanks Pameramadingdong, you made my day!

Yutha said...

Oh! Oh! I'm going to get a Pringle jumper when I go to Scotland this summer! I love the part about her one-eyed alcoholic son....

A Novel Woman said...

Yutha, I can't hear you (fingers in ears) lalalalala.

Mark said...

The animation is too delightful, and the voiceover so soothing. I too want to see non-skinny models. And I wish I knew how to talk like that. Thank you for sharing this. And good luck with your frozen shoulder.

A Novel Woman said...

Markj, just move to Glasgow and you'll sound like that in no time at all.

Kelly said...

I'm so glad I followed the link from Debby's to watch this clip.
What a hoot!!! I had to watch it more than once.

WhiteStone said...

Debby got lucky. Maybe I will, too. You'll have to check her blog to see how to do that yourself! And end up with a fine Pringle jumper!

A Novel Woman said...

Is this not the funniest thing?