Watch this and you'll get some idea of what I put up with every day, living with the world's most ridiculous dog.
He clearly wants something. I know what it is, because I've lived with him for 9 1/2 years, but see if you can figure it out.
He's communicating with his eyes, and as you'll see at one point, his snout.
The scene: I am on the couch, trying to read, as he sits at my feet and stares, and shifts, and snorts. I know from experience that if I ignore him, he'll woof deep in his throat, tiny restrained woofs that blow out his cheeks. Those will turn into sharp barks that show me how
disgusted he is by my lethargy to act now
right now I've been patient enough, woman, and I lack opposable thumbs we've been over this!
Did you figure out what was bugging him?
I honestly think, seriously believe, that my dog has OCD.