Thursday, September 2, 2010

Giant Scab or Chopped Arsehole?

A definitive guide to visiting Scotland courtesy of Danny Bhoy, my favourite comedian on the planet. My sister got to see him live last week in Edinburgh, one of the stops on her cruise around the UK, and then my friend kc got to see him too.

I am shoveling bat guano at the cottage.

I am, however, married to a man of Scottish descent.

I'll say no more about that.

Here's my Danny:


Anonymous said...

That's certainly a different type of guide to Scotland. Danny Bhoy had me laughing several times throughout the video.

A Novel Woman said...

He's the best. I saw him live in Montreal and he had us all on the floor.

Yutha said...

And even cuter live, might I add. We had front row seats and it was cool to see him in his home town but some of the inside jokes about Scotland went over our heads. He was very funny and my sheltered 16 year old daughter learned quite a few new choice words that day...

A Novel Woman said...

Hey, she's going to hear those words sooner or later. Ah, I remember the days of her 25 cent "swear jar". I believe I contributed a fair sum to that jar...

Yutha said...

Yes, that jar will be paying for her university education. Good thing I'm such a saint...

Debby said...

Ah, isn't that sweet...paying for your niece's college education. What an altruistic person you are!

A Novel Woman said...

Yup, I'm just $%&*ing thoughtful that way.

Jerry said...

I saw the video and love it