Novel Woman has pneumonia.
Worse, Novel Woman's prescribed medication resulted in the sudden and violent loss of her breakfast followed by dry heaves all afternoon.
Bah. Novel Woman wouldn't wish this on her worst enemy. Well, maybe her worst enemy, but no one else.
Think happy thoughts think happy thoughts thinkhappythoughts...

Gee. I'm glad I didn't get a flu shot!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
I love the photos ...
Well, Francie beat me to it. I'm glad I took a miss on the flu shot as well. Yikes.
OH NO!!!!!
I am so sorry you are ill! Pneumonia is AWFUL! I will be sending good thoughts, pink lights, etc., your way. Snuggle with Buddy and Get Well Soon!
Be well, Pam!
Thank you one and all for your good wishes. I still sound like a man in a drag review, but the antibiotics are doing the trick and I'm starting to feel like me old self again.
Oh, SO glad to hear you are feeling a bit better!
Bah indeed!
It sounds like a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
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