Thursday, February 14, 2013

How I feel about Valentine's Day

 Yes, these are actual goats making actual goat noises.

The. Best.

Thanks, Katrina, for posting this on FB. If I watch nothing else for the rest of my life, I will die happy.


Lesa said...

I had to call the family in to see that one! Who knew? I think goats must have a gift for mimicry, probably of their owners. So funny!

nightsmusic said...

Except for the one goat that had some guy talking to him, they all sounded like they were yelling...


Maybe I'm not far enough away from little kids yet (hehe)

A Novel Woman said...


Doug Jamieson said...

Yep, that's Valentine's Day fer sure.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!!!OMG! i've got to pee....laughing, rolling over, can't type....hee, hee...KDTR