We've had some really warm weather the last few days, and since I live just up the street from a large lake (part of the great St. Lawrence River) we sometimes get morning fog. This is what our street looked like when I walked to the car yesterday. Not exactly one worth framing seeing as it was garbage day, but it gives you an idea about how thick the fog was.

On a sunny day, it looks more like this:

So I stopped at a local park on the water and took some shots. Enjoy! The guy cleaning out the pond thought I was nuts. I was photographing the leaves as fast as he was scooping them out.

This one wasn't enhanced in any way. It's a straight out of camera shot, around 9 a.m., looking right at the sun. The quality of the light was amazing.

Have a fantastic weekend everybody!
Oh my dear... these are just stunning. Especially love the leaves in the water.
Gosh... breathtaking Pam!! You are really into now, girl. Your eye is fabulous!!!
Glad you liked Tommy too... he is amazing isn't he!?? THere is a Beatles medley which is awesome too!
My WV is now gurthed - telling me not too much breakfast perhaps??
Love the feathered friends :D
I had a friend come last week from Texas for a few days (I live in Michigan). I took her to Greenfield Village. They have geese. Well, we have geese. Everywhere. But the ones that live there will chase you down if they think you have anything that remotely resembles food on your person. She'd never been so close to geese before and turned the tables, chasing them and video taping it.
I'm sending her your link so she can see how birds normally act when you get close. ;-)
Um...but how come I don't see any squirrel pictures? muwahahahahahaha
Love the 3rd, 4th, & 5th from the bottom. Spectacular!
Gorgeous! Having a rough afternoon, and that totally cheered me up.....
(word ver: reebstio. ???)
Ah, Miz Booshay, you KNOW you are the Bee's Knees!
Thanks for the kind comments everyone. Yes, I've seen geese up close and I've had to shoo them away on the golf course (when I worked on one and later, played on one) so I know they can be nasty. And I did take a squirrel photo, I just can't bring myself to post it. Nasty little blighters don't deserve any positive press....
Saw this though, and thought you might appreciate it...
Ah, nightsmusic, you know my cat don't need no forks!
These are gorgeous, Pam. You and your Nikon lovah make a great team. *g*
LOL! Should have asked for the damask tablecloth too! :)
Darlin' it is not that easy to embed.
It's easy for *you.* And the rest of the blogging world.
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