Monday, December 9, 2013

WestJet, You're Killing Me

Remember a few months back when I wrote about how awesome WestJet is? 

Well, this is another reason why I love them.

I always look to WestJet first when I fly. The employees are amazing people, truly.

I dare you to watch this without crying.

I heart WestJet. I really, really do.


Lesa said...

Marvelous! The look on that child's face, well, everyone's. What a great idea! Thanks for posting the link.

nightsmusic said...

Pretty darned awesome. Too bad they don't fly in the US. I'd use them all the time. They use 'partner codes' here. AA. I've flown AA. No thanks.

Helen R-S said...

That is awesome!

My friend and I flew WestJet on one part of our Canadian trip in August. The service was wonderful and the safety demonstration was _hilarious_ (e.g. "When the oxygen mask comes down, put it on with the strap over your head, turn to your neighbour and say, 'Luke, I am your father.'" We definitely wished they could have flown us all the way home to Australia!

A Novel Woman said...

When she did the safety demo on the way back from St. Lucia, she said, "When the oxygen mask appears, give it a quick tug and money will fall into your lap." I love them!