Monday, September 28, 2009

Mitch Joel and Six Pixels of Separation

I had the good fortune to hear Mitch Joel speak at one of my PWAC (Professional Writers Association of Canada) meetings. He is engaging, charming, smart, funny, and inspiring. By the end of his lecture, I was on the edge of my seat, and seriously considered sending him my resume. Actually, I was ready to work for him for free. I just wanted to be around that kind of energy and intellect. It was electric.

Mitch is president of Twist Image (I always pronounce it the French way in my head) a digital marketing company with offices in Montreal and Toronto. He maintains that the internet has provided an unprecedented and powerful tool to reach the entire world, so why not use it to its fullest potential to market your product? We now know that social marketing - blogs, FaceBook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter - can help you build an online community and connect (in the true sense of the word) to millions of people, almost instantly. Do you know how? Mitch does.

According to an interview in the Globe and Mail, Mitch explained that social marketing tools like blogs or YouTube "were thought to be the domain, principally, of people with too much spare time on their hands – a place where members of the lunatic fringe could post a daily political rant or where teenage skateboarders could post videos of a gnarly Frontside 180 Powerslide." Not any more. If you are serious about marketing yourself, have a look at his new book called Six Pixels of Separation. I'll be ordering it and if it's anything like his lecture, blog and column in the Globe, I can highly recommend it.

Check out his website if you want to order his new book or if you want to listen to some of his most excellent podcasts.

Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone, by Mitch Joel, Business Plus, 288 pages, $34.95


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Sandra said...

Love the videos and watch it regularly