It's never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My good friend kc dyer wrote about Movember month. It's when ordinary citizens, mostly men, grow a mustache in support of prostate cancer research. Mustache in November = Movember.
Here is my son.
I think he looks like a spy from a cheesy 40s spy movie. At least it's for a good cause.
And presumably he'll be shaving it off come December 1st.
Movember is huge in Australia - we have entire newsrooms filled with mustachioed (sp?) men. (Not women that I have noticed, but I admit to not checking closely).
I definitely feel like I am in some weird 70's movie.
Your son is quite handsome in a Starsky and Hutch kinda way... :-) BB
Okay, so I love music. But your son sure is handsome.
As a side note, my DH has had a furry face for all of the 33 years I've known him except for a week when he shaved it off. I told him if he intended to remain that way, he could move back in with his mother...
A Novel Woman, AKA Pamela Patchet, was unwittingly born and raised in Toronto instead of Paris. She worked her way from A&W carhop to political advisor to advertising executive where, on any given day, she was called upon to soothe disgruntled clients, cajole temperamental artists, juggle multi-million dollar budgets or locate trained penguins for television commercials. She married a handsome dentist for love and a lifetime of free dental care, raised three kids, and established a freelance writing career, not unlike her earlier jobs, minus the penguins.
I like that you said MOSTLY men.
Hey, we want to be inclusive.
Aieee! Chris looks BRILLIANT! Like Errol Flynn, I think, [though, of course, less decadent and more noble. Of course...]
Movember is huge in Australia - we have entire newsrooms filled with mustachioed (sp?) men. (Not women that I have noticed, but I admit to not checking closely).
I definitely feel like I am in some weird 70's movie.
Your son is quite handsome in a Starsky and Hutch kinda way...
The first thing I thought of is:
"Grease is the word, is the word, is the word..."
Okay, so I love music. But your son sure is handsome.
As a side note, my DH has had a furry face for all of the 33 years I've known him except for a week when he shaved it off. I told him if he intended to remain that way, he could move back in with his mother...
My husband had a mustache once. He looked like a terrorist. A big, goofy terrorist. Not my favourite look for him.
My son is handsome, but he looks way better without the 'stache.
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