I love this book, I mean, love this book. I read it years ago, and have since read the entire series which is still going strong. Random House has reissued the first novel in the series in this paperback format, and they sent me a carton to give away as I please. I've given out copies to friends and strangers alike. I've left them on shopping mall benches and in restaurants with a note that reads "Enjoy!" And now...
Because it's Christmas.
Because I love you guys.
Because I love this storyteller (who also happens to be a friend.)
I'd like to send a copy to one of you.
I will choose a name at random, and I will mail it to you after the holidays.
If you would like to win a free copy, all you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section.
If you had to choose a favourite colour from the following list, which would you choose?
a) Blue
b) Red
c) Yellow
d) Green
e) Plaid
If you become a follower, or let me know you're already a follower, you get two chances to win.
If you link to this contest on your blog or twitter, you get three chances.*
You have until Christmas Day to enter. Good luck! I will choose a winner on Boxing Dayish.
If you are one of those people who like to have a peek at their presents before Christmas, look over to the right, at the top in the sidebar, and you can have a boo at the first chapter of OUTLANDER.
Beware. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. Don't say I didn't warn you.
* Added Note: YES, it counts if you mention it on FACEBOOK. Thanks Julie!
Green is the colour, and I follow you already :-)
Love the Outlander series!
Oh, by all means, it's plaid. I'm a DG fan from away back, and I've read her books so many times that Outlander, in particular, is wearing out! I'd love a new one!
I can't decide, so I'll go with plaid
Hi Pam. My favorite color is blue. I have been following you for a while now :-) I linked to this contest on my blog. I've never read anything by Diana Gabaldon. I read a synopsis of Outlander; it looks like a book that I would enjoy reading.
It's not easy being green.
And I'll follow you anywhere honey.
Since I follow you, I learned about this contest. I can always do with another copy. And plaid, please.
Now, does it count if I link to you on Facebook? 'Cause I don't have a blog and I don't have a Twitter account!
I just started following you as I follow Karen at Outlandish Observations. My favorite color is blue since it is the color of the first Outlander book. I love, love, love all of Diana Gabaldon's writing.
Favorite color is green!
OMG i love these books!
green is my favorite color but as a huge fan of the series i have to say plaid lol!
Im now following you and have linked this on my twitter page :) x
Green, but I love plaid when it is on Jamie!
Green and plaid. Love the books. Have made me research a lot now with has been so interesting. They are so well written that you really become submerged in them and your imagination runs wild.
definitely a plaid woman. I have loved DG's books, including Lord John but believe Outlanders is my favorite. I am now a follower!!! Other than (return) trip to Inverness a new copy of my well-worn Outlanders is the perfect meme Christmas gift!!
green...and I have read the Outlander series many many times over the years. Wore out the covers on a few already!
From the list I'll choose plaid. Gabaldon is one of my few top favorite authors and I'd love to own this copy. I didn't follow you until now. Happy reading everyone.
The color is blue :-) I'm now following (thanks, Jen, for the heads up!)
I am reposting on my blog, Twitter, and FB .... let's spread the joy.
Gabaldon is one of my all-time favorites, and I'm excited to find a new blog :-)
I pick plaid as a favorite color in honor of all those Scottish characters that wear it so well in my imagination. I have never been so enchanted by a book/story in my entire life. Have read the series, listened to the series (at least the unabridged titles), re-read the series and loaned out to man and woman alike. I would love to follow you on Twitter but that "access" thing made me nervous. All the same,this giveaway is a lovely gesture on your part, worthy of the adorable Diana Gabaldon.
Awesome! Keep 'em coming!
Also, if you add a comment using "Anonymous" you should add a name, even if it's a fictional one, so I can identify you should your name be drawn.
I just blogged about it!
Already dreaming of what I might do with an extra copy...
(hey look! word verification is 'gotdb' - sounds like my tagger name or something)
And here I forgot to answer the question. Plaid!
(word verification for this one: sinne.
Is thing trying to tell me something?)
I'm a follower. My favorite color is blue, cobalt blue.
I'm definitely a red girl ... so verrry Chrrristmasssy!! (read with Scottish accent LOL)
And I love Diana Gabaldon ... you too, Pam, for doing this giveaway!
Wheee, this is fun!
My favorite color is blue. I just became a follower and I was directed here by my twitter account
I have been a Gabaldon fan for many years. I loaned my hardback Outlander collection to my daughter & haven't seen it since. I would love a copy of The Outlander!
Deanna Guzman
Oh, yellow is my favorite color. I came to u from Twitter.
Deanna Guzman
My favorite color is blue, and I love this book. :)
Love, love, love this series. And I've told a lot of people about these books over the years. I've even been yelled at because of these books. One of the women I told about the books fussed at me when she saw me next. Seems she'd gotten so absorbed in them that her house had gone to hell in a handbasket when she was reading them. Then her husband picked up Outlander, promptly got hooked and she couldn't get him to do anything around the house. And I got the blame. Which I took happily.
Ooops. Favorite color: Blue.
Awesome! Keep 'em coming!
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