Monday, July 11, 2011

So there

1. I thought I saw an bald-headed eagle fly right past me this week, but I wasn't 100% sure because it was obscured by some cedars down by the waterfront. My kids made me doubt myself, no way they said, this isn't even the right habitat for eagles. Google confirmed it was, and sure enough, as I sat on the dock at sunset last night, another eagle (or perhaps, the same eagle) flew right in front of me. There was no doubt this time.

That there was one big old Bald Eagle.

2. Last Friday, we experienced a huge storm that sneaked up on us after dark. Usually there's some sort of buildup, you know, so you can prepare yourself as the thunder claps creep closer but this storm just crashed above our heads in an instant. I flinched and maybe screamed a little after one particularly brutish crack that shook the windows, and me, to my very bones.

Again, one of the beloved fruits of my loins told me to get a grip and stop over-reacting. I responded by reminding said fruit that since four trees (four!) on our property have in fact been hit directly by lightening over the past few years (and one neighbour's septic tank, and one of my husband's patient's entire bathroom wall) I didn't think screaming and putting my hands over my ears was over-reacting, but in fact, acting the way one should when faced with random lightening bolts. She (fruit) said I wasn't helping matters and I was "ruining her enjoyment of a good thunderstorm."

I ran into my neighbour yesterday. She said that large boom actually split a tree in two, right to its roots, and knocked out her power, blew up her (brand new) flat screen TV and her pump amongst other things. I'm guessing that ruined her enjoyment of a good thunderstorm.

I think that's worth a hand over the ears and a scream or two, don't you?

And in other news, we saw a mink swimming in the water alongside our kayaks. He came up for air a couple of times then scooted off into the bushes at the point. Then my husband saw a little red fox by the cottage two doors down. Then a female loon swam past with a tiny baby perched on her back.

It's like a Disney movie around here. Except for the thunder and lightening.


Debby said...

I wish that you'd have had a camera to take a picture of the tiny loon on his mama's back.

A Novel Woman said...

I've seen her a number of times, but I'm always floating about in a boat, which doesn't make for a clear shot.

Rachel Chesnutt Blasdell said...

I am beyond jealous. I had to go in to work today after being off for over a week. Sigh...

BB said...

... the way you love me is frightening... you gotta KNOCK... on wood!"

Oh sorry, that last line threw me into a bit of an old country music moment there...

Need photos of it all = the bald eagle, the split tree (or even better, the lightening) and the apples/fruit/naysayers.

Maureen said...

It's a big year for loons on our lake. Also, deer. We have seen at least 10 in all, from Tremblant area to Lac Chapleau. One was stranded on our point the other day, waited for a break in the boating and SWAM acoss the bay, a good 10-15 minute swim. Stopped to catch her breath on the other side as people watched, spellbound, from their docks, then scampered off to the safety of the woods.

A Novel Woman said...

Oh, deer are as ubiquitous as mosquitoes around here. My next door neighbour saw two porcupines, one the size of a small dog. That would explain why Buddy acts so creeped out some nights.

Mrs4444 said...

Sounds like you live in paradise! :) (I mean the eagle and mink subjects, not the storms!haha)